Saturday, December 6, 2008

My journey into the internet/money-making world began my freshman year at college. I was trying to find a job that would pay a few bucks a week. I was dumb enough to have fallen for those 'Pay' for survey affiliate sites... it stills upsets me of my "freshman mentality". I guess when I was younger, as many people are, I thought it was legit, but as they say... if it's always too good to be true, then it IS. I did find a couple survey sites that did pay me, but it was in pennies and wa soverall not worth my time.

So for $25 I learned to NEVER pay for anything... and that you gotta really search into the internet to find something. You cannot put a price on experience and wisdom, so I cannot say I regret anything.

I am certain that majority of you readers are saying 'DUH' right now, but I am hoping that this post, my words, will have allowed at least one person to stay away form any scams.
As well, I know that there are freelance sites, such as elance, odesk, etc. that have membership fees... but those are not worth it either.

The philosophy I follow is 'Don't pay, Get paid.' A little lame, but it's true.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am the Meta-Entrepreneur

This is a term that I have actually coined myself.
What does Meta-Entrepreneur mean?

To begin, the meaning is constantly evolving, however this is what I believe it currently means:

It means to organize resources in new and more valuable ways and accepts full responsibility for the outcome about a person who has possession over a company, enterprise, or venture and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome.

Another simple, yet complex way of putting it... it is the entrepreneuring of entrepreneurship. Risk about risking. Lead about leading.

A bit too philosophical, yes, however I find it fits perfectly for the next step in the world (and overall concept) of the entrepreneur.

With this understanding, I will be taking you through my journey of experiments, thoughts, discussions, and the process of my metaentrepreneurial experience. I will share anything from the trials of my projects to the weekly profit that I have made.

It is with this blog that I hope others will use as their fundamental guide towards a successful life, whether it be as an entrepreneur or as someone looking to succeed in anything!

On that note, to the success of the Meta-entrepreneur's launch!